Mazis Commissions

Created By: gerrm
Edits Done By: mazi / discord : ꂵꁲꁴꂑꀗꐞꋊ#5252

headshots / busts

My Line art: $10
• $5 per additional character
Premade Lineart: 5$
• $3 per additional character

Flat color: $15
• Overly complex designs: $5 extra
(i.e multiple layers of markings, horns, items, etc.)

Color, shading and transparent BG: $20
• $10 per additional character
Color, shading and Background: $30
• $15 per additional character


Line art: $20
• Additional characters are the same pricing

Flat Color: $25
• $10 per additional character

Color, shaded with transparent BG: $30
• $15 per additional character

Color, shaded with background: $40
• $20 per additional character

custom designs

Headshots: $15

Full body: $20

Additions: $10
• (i.e wisps, familiars, items, etc.)
• take $5.00 off for pricing on using pre-made lines for custom designs

• 3 pups : 5$
• 6 pups : 10$
• Custom family with 4 pups : 25$
• Add 5$ for complex designs
• Extra 5$ to the whole total for time sensitive and for my lines

Art With My Lines

(characters belong to other users)(these are simply commissions)

Characters Created

(characters belong to other users)(these are simply design commissions on pre-made bases)

My own characters I designed

(not my lines)

Open Adopts

Please refer to my DA website for any designs open for adoption (until further notice)

Closed Adopts

(characters i designed and others adopted - i do not own the lines)